Neapolitan Cookies


It’s almost Easter and it feels like a great time to bake some cookies. Caleb mentioned that he loves these Neapolitan Cookies that his aunt makes so I thought I’d give them a shot. Of course, I’ve never had these cookies before in my life, let alone know what they looked like to search for a recipe. Caleb was very little help but after showing him a few recipes and asking him some questions about possible ingredients I’ve landed on AllRecipe’s version of the Neapolitan Cookie.

These guy’s actually take quite a bit if time to set in the fridge and I’ve never made a cookie with layers like this before but I actually really enjoyed myself. I’ve also never done a cookie that is made like a loaf and then cut to size for baking. They remind me of pillsbury cookies that come in a roll that you used to cut and bake. Same idea with these guys only I made the dough at home, very very exciting. I do need to be a little more careful next time with the cutting because my knife cuts were all over the place with very very inconsistently sized cookies but I was alright on the thicknesses so everything baked evenly. These guys don’t rise a lot but they’re not overly dense. My pink layer was a little too almond-y from my extract but that’s easily fixed. The chocolate was also pretty chocolate-y so minor tweaks next time around but I was pretty content with my first run at these guys. Maybe I’ll actually get to try them made by a professional next time so I can figure out what they’re REALLY supposed to taste like.