Comeback - cookies

After over a year of hiatus from blogging I’ve gotten my life together and I’m back! Things have been crazy and I’ve moved away from Chicago after graduation to start a new job in Cortland, NY. Now that I’m settled into my new place and a new job I’ll go back into the archives and see what I can find in terms of photos of my food travels and cooking adventures and maybe backlog a few posts to make up for the year without posting. So, scroll down and see what I’ve been up to the past year, I promise I’ve been eating well.


As a little welcome back, here are some cookies I’ve been in love with recently from Bon Appetit. We’re a little in love with the Bon Appetit youtube channel and I was shown the Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Toffee Cookie Video which we had to make right away.

I’ve never done a cookie with toffee before and I really really love it. That salty, sweet combination is balanced so well in this cookie and while I’m not a HUGE fan of chocolate, Rick uses a chocolate wafer instead of a chip and it’s life changing. A wafer just adds a softness and a chewiness to the cookie that makes it melt in your mouth. This is a cookie we’re gonna make many more times in the very near future as a great party dessert or for any sort of fun gathering.

Seriously - Try them