Of course a month in Italy would not be complete without a plethora of pasta. Every shape and size, every sauce combination. The pasta was fantastic. I'm so happy I don't have celiacs and can eat gluten because pasta was a given.
We were also fortunate enough to be right on the water so seafood made the incredible pasta even better! I'm such a seafood lover, growing up my dad would always make sure to have at least fish for our weekly family dinner. Sometimes he would throw in lobster, clams, muscles, shrimps, scallops, octopus, squid or crab also. (My dad has been a chef for over 30 years at a nearby restaurant and he only gets one day off a week. So once a week we sit down as a family and he makes dinner that consists of at least 4 or 5 dishes that we eat family style. For the rest of the week we fend for ourselves. My mom isn't a great cook so we ended up with quite a few instant meals or we would microwave leftovers from Dad's dinner for as many days as we could).
Carbs and seafood in Italy. What more could I ask for!
Seafood Seafood Seafood!