CORT - Wild Ginger Asian Fusion

I’ve decided to mix things up today and order something a little different from Wild Ginger for lunch!


I’ve been craving Takoyaki but unsurprisingly, it’s quite difficult to find in the area. For those unfamiliar, takoyaki is a is a ball-shaped Japanese snack made of a batter, cooked in a special pan. It’s typically filled with minced or diced octopus. I did a little bit of research and today is the day, of course Wild Ginger would offer it as an appetizer! I decided to order some with a side of Tomago (egg) sushi and my classic Ika (squid) sushi. I usually get Ebi (shrimp) sushi but was really craving the eggy flavor and texture today instead too. A real wild card of a lunch compared to my usual.

This lunch turned out to be EXACTLY what I was hoping for. The sushi was standard and, while not my usual, it’s nothing new to me from this restaurant either; just a little out of the ordinary but always a classic choice. The takoyaki was so good! It was warm and gooey on the inside but crisp on the outside. The flavors were totally balanced and the texture was what it should be. Very happy with this choice and it might be my new regular order!

UPDATE: It’s about a week or so later and I’ve gone back because I love takoyaki and this is a great order. Unfortunately, things did not go well today when I went to pick up my food and I’m hoping it was just a fluke but now I’m hesitant to keep getting this order. Typically, I place my order online and walk over to the restaurant (a quick walk down the street from the office) and I time it well enough to grab and go. Today, I had to wait an extra 30mins after my estimated pick up time for my takoyaki to come out while my sushi just sat on the counter waiting for me. I FINALLY got my food after a couple of people checked in on it and when I got back to the office with it, my takoyaki was cold and deflated. I have a feeling it was cooked and just sat in the kitchen slowly dying while the front of the house neglected it. It seems there’s a risk in me ordering sushi + hot food. I’ve never had this issue with I get my usual sushi rolls since it’s all coming from the sushi counter. I have to rethink the logistics of this now which is making me very sad since my first experience with the takoyaki was so good.