The Date Night Cookbook - Spaghetti with Creamy Poblano

It’s Date Night Cookbook time again, kind of. Full transparency, this is not my first time making the Spaghetti with Creamy Poblano Sauce I just didn’t document it before. But I’ve gone on a cooking spree making eggplant parm and I’m in deep into cooking so I’ve decided to go with a twist for some of the eggplant that’s leftover. I decided to split the eggplant that I breaded into half regular red sauce and half creamy poblano. Two batches of sauce was well worth it, especially since I used jarred red sauce and because the creamy poblano whips up super quick.

The poblano starts off with charred poblano peppers, surprise! I cut 3 peppers in half, remove the seeds and broil them in my oven for about 5mins until they’re blackened and I start to question if the smell of smokey poblano peppers will set off the fire detector. So far we’re 0 for 2. I put the peppers in a bowl and cover it for 10mins to let them steam so the charred skin is easier to peel off when I’m ready.

While this is going on I boil some spaghetti. Easy.

Then I throw the peppers into my mini food processor with 1/2 cup of sour cream. Now the Fulmer’s go all in and use crème fraîche in their recipe which I tried the first time I made the dish. I’ve switched over to sour cream because it’s cost effective and once it’s mixed in with the rest of the sauce, I can’t tell the difference. Minor changes, in my opinion, but use the real deal if that’s what you’re in to. Once that’s all blended and pretty smooth, I sauté some garlic and I’ve actually started adding in a protein like pancetta or bacon for a more umami, meaty flavor. The original recipe also says to include corn but Caleb isn’t a fan so I leave that out. I think its a good swap with the meat but who says you can’t have it all i that’s what you like. Once the garlic and meat are cooked I carefully add in the poblano mixture and another 1/4-1/2 cup of my sour cream (I honestly just used a whole 8oz container of sour cream so I’m not sitting on a tiny bit of leftover in the fridge and it works out perfectly.) I combine the sauce and stir everything together and let it simmer before adding the pasta and coating it. Season with salt and pepper to taste (this needs a lot of salt because everything is so heavy and fatty but if you’re like me and add in bacon or pancetta be careful!) Then it’s topped with Cotija cheese and paprika. I never have cotija cheese and I don’t want to buy it just to sprinkle on top of this one dish so I skip that part and it’s all good. The sour cream makes the sauce creamy enough for us and I never need more but that’s up to you isn’t it?

On this special occasion I’ve topped my pasta with eggplant parm that I’ve made using some poblano sauce as well and it’s amazing though I can’t say I would put in that effort all the time. Eggplant parm is a PROCESS and I don’t know that I can make that kind of time commitment regularly but this pasta is in the rotation at least once a month for me though I have noticed a shortage of poblano peppers at our grocery store recently. I’m not sure about subbing in a different pepper but we’ll cross that bridge if it comes to it. Until then, creamy poblano sauce is my new favorite creamy sauce to make at home.