CORT - Yori House

Yori House is back in rotation! At least for today. I always come back to it because I CRAVE Korean food and I always want Yori House to be good even when it continues to slightly disappoint me. They did just come out with their Winter ‘22 menu and there were some menu items I wanted to try so I had to give it another shot. It also happens to be the only restaurant in town that is remotely Korean so this is my only option for a fix. The struggle is so real.


One new item on their winter menu is the Creamy Seafood Pasta which I’m not sure is remotely Korean but this could be a good thing for my expectations. The pasta comes with shrimp, mussels, cream sauce, and pecorino cheese over a classic spaghetti. Seeing as my go to dish on their menu is the Seafood ‘Paella’, this option seemed like a safe choice for something I would enjoy and I wasn’t wrong. They use the same mussels and shrimp in their paella dish as well as the same cream sauce so the only difference was the carb that was switched out. I don’t recall if the paella has pecorino on it but boy did it add a lot more salt to this dish. It was a little bit of a salt bomb and I was really glad I decided to order edamame on the side to help me quell the saltiness of the pasta though the shrimp did help.

Yori House slightly disappoints again. This wasn’t a bad meal and was still edible but it wasn’t very good and I will go back to my usual Seafood Paella next time instead over this salty pasta. Oh Yori House, we’ll keep trying.