CORT - Brix

I have failed to pack lunch again today. I’m understanding why people meal prep and maybe one day I’ll get on board…but until then, we’re still finding new things to try downtown. There are only a handful of places to choose from but I decided to look at the BRIX menu and see what I could find.


Brix is a local pub/bar/pizza place and they promote their brick oven pizza. It’s not my favorite place to go but their portions are always large and their menu has a lot of options for everyone. The quality is nothing I’m ever super pumped for but it’s not bad at all, just not very exciting to me. I haven’t found anything I want to order again.

This time I opted for a cup of French Onion Soup and the Fried Green Tomatoes which in found in their menu online and it’s breaded green tomatoes, topped with smoked gouda, bacon, drizzled with ranch and garnished with chives and green onions. I love french onion but my favorite sandwich place nearby is closed for construction so this was the next place to get it. Their french onion wasn’t bad but it was a little salty. A tough thing thats pretty common with french onion soup. Maybe one day my sandwich will be back open again.


The Fried Green Tomatoes were alright. I can’t say I knew there were tomatoes under all that extra toppings but I think with apps and dishes like this, that tends to be the point. The tomatoes are just a vessel for the fun stuff on top. It was a little too ranch heavy for me but the bacon and gouda were a nice pick. For some reason the bed of lettuce that it sat on was a little strong in smell which I found odd and a little distracting.

Along with the soup, I made this app stretch for two meals which was nice especially since it wasn’t terribly expensive. I’m not sure I would ever crave these again so that seems to be the runner with BRIX for me.

I’d also say I gave them the 30mins eta to make my food before I left work to walk the 5mins over to pick it up. When I got there it took another 10-15mins before my food was ready which seemed a little long for an order of soup and fried tomatoes. They weren’t terribly busy that day and I ate lunch a little late and ordered after 1pm that day so I feel like they lost my order and didn’t start cooking until I arrived. The take-out counter workers were nice and I can’t blame them for the longer wait but it was just a little annoying having to wait so long and I’m glad that work isn’t so strict with my lunch breaks.

I think BRIX will forever be one of those places I go to when other people pick it out but I’ll happily be the odd man out and pick other restaurants when I’m eating/ordering on my own.