Dessert Person - Funfetti Birthday Cake

It’s Caleb’s birthday and while he’s not a cake person, I was talking about making myself a funfetti cake for my own birthday in September and he though that sounded nice for his birthday now instead. I didn’t think he would want a birthday cake but I was happy to make this for him instead.

It was a little nerve wracking because I was making it for us to bring to his parent’s house and if it wasn’t good, there would be no other birthday cake. Pressure.

I took the recipe from Claire Saffitz’ book Dessert Person and this was my first cake I’ve ever made from scratch so it wasn’t anything I’d had in my wheelhouse. Luckily Claire had a video as well and I followed along with her cookbook.

Caleb did wan’t a 2layer cake instead of a 3 layer and Claire calls for 9in pans for this recipe but I got 8in pans so I was really testing myself with this one. Luckily Claire does it the pro way where she measures all the ingredients by weight so it was easier for me to divide into thirds and adjust it that way. I just had to adjust the timing of my bake because of my differing pan size and because my oven is old and is finicky with heat.


I also gave myself time and baked the cake the night before we left for his parent’s house and frosted it there.

I did have a minor issue with the cream cheese frosting and didn’t incorporate everything perfectly so mine did have very small lumps of sugar and whatnot. it wasn’t really an issue with the overall texture of the cake and in the end, I covered it in sprinkles so it worked out great.

The cake as a whole came out better than I hoped. It wasn’t dry or overly sweet. WIth the frosting, it was well balanced and it was a good cake. I’m no pro but I’m not bad either.