Today we tackled the acorn squash and I’ve cooked it before but Caleb’s never had it so he wanted to try a Bon Appetit Gochujang and sesame roasted winter squash recipe. The recipe is designed for butternut squash specifically but they also list acorn or delicata squash as great substitutes so we decided to give it a shot.
All we had to do was slice the squash and toss it on some gochujang, sesame, oil, and soy sauce. I baked it for 30 or 40mins and it was soft and ready to eat! Easy.
I did top it with some scallions this time which added a nice brightness to the squash and overall it was great. The squash was soft and sweet and the gochujang added a nice little kick to finish. It was such a great balanced flavor and so easy which I love. I love squash season.