I had the day off of work today and decided today was the day to try my hand at an elaborate breakfast of Tortilla de Paps. Gabby from the Bon Appetit test kitchen makes this and I’ve never heard of it before but I’m always up for a new cooking technique and since I had time today I wanted to give it a shot. Caleb and I were going to make this on Sunday but it was the weekend and neither of us felt particularly inspired to wake up and cook something that took a while so we skipped it. But now we have a 4lb bag of potatoes and need to get moving on that so I had some more drive today.
Gabby somehow makes things feel so doable and easy so I walked into this with some skepticism but confidence. Boy was I wrong. Tortilla de Papas is a tricky dish for sure with cook times all over the place. This is one of those things you just have to know how to make. I decided to cut the recipe in half because we don’t need 2lbs of potatoes and 10 eggs. This felt like a good move but in the end my egg to potato ratio was off and I didn’t get a good egg sear on one side because the egg had all cooked on the first side (pictured here). This took me close to an hour to make which was rough and while it tasted fine, it was a lot of work for an average dish. An omelette with onions and potatoes would’ve tasted about the same without all the oil everywhere. The potatoes are poached in oil and the whole thing just had a layer of oil around it. I’d op for something lighter and more flavorful next time. An interesting dish but too much time for not enough payout for me.