The Best Blueberry Muffins

I still have a whole container of gingerbread crinkle cookies sitting at Caleb’s house but they don’t make for my kind of breakfast so this week I decided I would make blueberry muffins so my stomach won’t grumble up a storm while I’m at work trying to keep my eyes open at 6:30am.

My friend Julia from high school gave me the recipe for her family’s blueberry muffins that I’m in love with. Back when we were in middle and high school her mom would bake these muffins with the perfectly crisp tops that popped right off full of huge blueberries melting inside. Of course the muffin tops are the best part so you save those for last and you eat the bottoms while the sugary crisp tops wait for you on your plate. Then when that’s done you get to take a bite of this amazing piece of pastry. It’s the best. These muffins are seriously my favorite, and I’m not a huge breakfast/sweets person. The cinnamon sugar balance is so good and makes me so happy. I’m eating one right now at my desk trying not to get crumbs all over the place.


Of course it’s not my recipe to give so it’ll have to be a secret that I keep. But rest assured, even if you have the recipe, these guys are hard to make so perfectly. Julia’s mom has obviously had years of experience but maybe if I’m making these every couple of weeks I’ll be able to nail them down. As it is right now I can’t get those perfect tops which is the reason to eat these things in the first place but I’ll get there. I just need to fill my tins with a little more batter so that they puff over the top and actually make a removable top that doesn’t get stuck to the paper liner. It’s a work in progress, a very delicious one. I also modified these this time with some raspberries so its a blueberry raspberry muffin which I think is a great combination. There just happened to be a sale at the grocery store for BOGO berries so I figured a little experimentation can’t hurt. It came out tasty and since the blueberries are going out of season with this wrap up of summer, they’re a little sour and the raspberries helped balance it out because for whatever reason, they’re still sweet. While this batch isn’t perfect yet, they’ll get there, I just need a few more tries.