Chocolate Peppermint Pinwheel Cookies


Another weekend, another opportunity to bake! I’ve been on a Good Eat’s kick and I’ve been slowly re-watching all 14 of the original season before I start the newest one. I’ve only made it up to season 7 so far so it’s slow going but it’s worth it. Good Eats was one of my favorite shows growing up and it fostered this love of cooking and baking but also the science behind it. Not to mention Alton Brown’s mix of sarcastic and witty is just a great way to live life. So this week’s recipe is from season 7 and it’s the Chocolate Peppermint Pinwheel Cookie.

I’m not going to lie, these cookies were a bit of a challenge. The dough was a little dry for me which made it difficult to roll but I think that could be help by rolling it out in a warmer place (my kitchen is freezing) and monitoring the amount of time I refrigerate everything for. It got to be a little frustrating but I got it to work with a little effort and some patience.

These guys came out a little more peppermint-y than chocolate-y which I think is fine. I am still getting used to my oven and I will admit that I over-baked them slightly. The tops look perfect but the bottoms are quite crisp and while it’s not burnt, it’s a little tough. I did eat a slightly thinner end piece so I’m hoping the middle cuts are a little softer but with my oven, I’d opt for a 9-10 min bake instead of the instructed 12mins. I was just deceived by the light color tops and should’ve done a better job checking them.

So far I’ve gotten that they’re a good paring with coffee (to soften them) and with a little more baking they could hit biscotti hardness which also works. I guess I ended up in the middle being not quite too hard but also not soft either. Life’s a balance.

Overall, these aren’t bad and they’re a good doable challenge compared to other easy roll and cut recipes. They just take some patience and perseverance but they could probably also used a little more warmth and a little less time in the oven.