NOLA - Beignet Wars

I think people know that when you go to New Orleans you have to eat a beignet, but theres argument over who does it better, Cafe Beignet or Cafe Du Monde. Today is the day that we settle this disagreement for ourselves.

We’ve had our share of Alligator both ways today and what better way to top them off than with some beignets for dessert. We walk around the French Quarter a little aimlessly looking at shops and outdoor public markets to see some art and trinkets until we stumble upon Cafe Du Monde.

LOCATION: 800 Decatur St. New Orleans, LA 70116


This place is huge, with a large gift shop and an even larger covered outdoor seating area. We’ve hit tourist central with people spilling out of the area and standing around the edges of the patio. We get a little nervous that it’ll be a long wait but as we walk under the tent, a really nice waitress gestures to a table and we sit down. Theres tons of seating here and it’s table service that’s really fast and convenient. I’ve found my people. Just about every single waitress here looks Vietnamese and I’m pretty curious about this but I guess that’s a question for another time. We order one serving of Beignets (another set of 3) for $2.73 - an even better deal than Cafe Beignet might I mention. These ladies are a little older but they’re fast. The one helping us circles back around with our order super quick and we pay her for the beignet’s and she’s off again. While we’re eating we see a family of 4 ordering 5 orders of beignet’s at a table a little ways a way. That’s some beignet love. We eat our order and boy is it amazing. In our opinion, Cafe Du Monde blows Cafe Beignet out of the water hands down. We’re stuffed after one and a half each but Christel is already trying to plan coming back here for more before we leave. I like beignet’s but I guess ‘donuts’ aren’t really my thing because I’m enjoying it, but maybe not 5 orders worth.