I’ve finally done it! I’ve tried CPK - California Pizza Kitchen. We don’t have one in Rochester and I’d never heard of it before I went to Chicago. Funnily enough, Christel was the one that first told me about it because apparently growing up in Manilla in the Philippines she had CPK. Rochester, why do you do these things to me.

We spotted one down the street from the Boston Duck Boat tours and we figured we’d hit a later boat tour and stop for some pizza since I mentioned I wanted to try it out. CPK and Duck Boats - we’re tourists today.

LOCATION: 800 Boylston St. Boston, MA 02199


Clearly, CPK is a chain so they have a standard menu but I enjoyed my first trip here. We each order our own dishes but my Aunt and Uncle work out a combo between them that lets them share and taste everything. Partnered off for variety, I dig it. I also don’t eat my full pizza but instead manage to pawn and trade pieces for other people’s dishes. We roll hard as a family and everything belongs to everyone else. Nothing is safe. I order a Shrimp Scampi Pizza because I’m in Boston and we’re by the sea so seafood is a must this trip while the summer approaches. This pizza has lemon-garlic shrimp with caramelized onions, Mozzarella, Parmesan and red chili, and is topped with fresh arugula and wild Greek oregano and I go for the cauliflower crust because I’m on vacation and technically I’m not paying. But like I said, I share! This was a pretty good pizza. I’m a fan of cauli crusts because they tend to be crisper and crunchier which is something I love in a nice thin pizza. The shrimp was a good choice and I feel like arugula can be a little peppery but this was a good amount (and easy to pick off when I find it to be too much.) CPK doesn’t feel like anything to special and I don’t think I missed out on TOO much growing up without it but I’m pretty satisfied that I’ve gotten to try it now.