
I’ve had a rocky experience with carbonara and totally scrambled eggs onto the noodles but this time I swore I would do a better job! So when Molly Baz made a video making Bucatini Carbonara and it was a recipe with about 6 ingredients , I felt like I had pretty good odds at doing a better job.


Molly uses guanciale and bucatini but I couldn’t find them at the local grocery store and I haven’t had time to drive to Wegmans so I used a thick cut bacon and a fettuccini because I’m happy with these minor adjustments. I still cut my bacon into small pieces and fried them it while my pasta was cooking then mixed my eggs with parm. Once everything was cooked, I started getting a little nervous that the residual heat would scramble my eggs giving me flashbacks to my first attempt at carbonara but Molly said to just add the meat and pasta to the egg mixture so I listened to her and went for it. Everything turned out perfect. I added extra bacon fat and pasta water to the mixture to loosen it and get it to coat the pasta until it was shiny and glossy. I’m so happy with this attempt and it turned out great. I definitely over-salted with the bacon and just what I put in the pasta water and with the parm so I’m a little sad about that part. I’ll be a little more careful next time and maybe watch my water to salt pasta ratio but besides that, this is a super easy recipe and totally doable whenever I feel like frying up some bacon.