Chicken Pot Pie

I’ve never made a chicken pot pie before but I do love eating it and Alton does a little twist in season 6 of Good Eats that’s super easy and fun to make. Episode 11 of that season is called Casserole Over where Alton’s beloved dog, Matilda, gets kidnapped for ransom after Alton wanders over to a church potluck and eats all of their homemade casserole dishes. That’s right, church ladies steal his dog and hold her as a hostage until he comes back with casserole dishes to replace the ones he’s ruined. This show is gold.

Because of the premise, Alton is in a hurry to get Matilda back so all of the casseroles in this episode are easy to make. The Chicken pot pie recipe actually contains curry but I skipped out on that because I didn’t have any curry powder. It’s a twist on a pot pie because there’s not bottom crust and the top isn’t fully sealed, which inches it over into the world of casseroles.


This recipe honestly is super easy to make and not terribly time consuming. I get pretty hungry after work and now I’m a super old lady who likes to eat dinner closer to 5 than 7 but this was totally worth waiting for. My only issue with it was that I don’t currently have round cookie/biscuit cutters so I had to improvise a little and my puff pastry didn’t rise up around the edges like it should. I knew it would bake off a little pinched because of the way I cut it so it wasn’t unexpected but it still tasted great so that’s all that matters. I actually love crust on a pot pie so I do wish there was a little more but I see an actual closed pot pie recipe coming up in upcoming episodes so stay tuned. I have a feeling I might enjoy that a little more though I’m sure it’ll be more difficult and time consuming having to make a double crust. Overall, I’d make this again. Unfortunately, Caleb doesn’t like pot pies so I’m going to be eating this one alone so maybe I’ll be tired of pot pie by the end of the week when I’ve eaten leftovers every day. I’ve already recommended this recipe to someone else so get cooking guys, it’s worth it.